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Pastime - Pilsner

Regular price $75.00

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A wave, a stretch, a tip of the cap, our Pastime Pils is the perfect accompaniment to all of summer's pastimes.

This pilsner is brewed in the German-style that boasts a white head and medium body, with biscuit malt flavours and floral aromatics.

It exemplifies the beauty of complexity, unobtrusive and yet sublime, perfect for that socializing occasion or really no occasion at all!

Stored in lagering tanks for weeks to perfect the smooth yet firm bitterness of this crisp lager. Pilsner Malt is the backbone which provides classic hint of biscuity malt notes, the undertone of a cold fermenting lager yeast is paramount.

ABV:5% | IBU:28 | 473 mL 

Hops: German Magnum, German Tradition 

Taxes and Deposit included
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